We love to help spread the word about Minneapolis government's home assistance programs! You can download the one-page pdf at the bottom of this blog post which includes QR codes for more information, or simply read the text from their one pager below.
Homebuyer Assistance
Minneapolis Homes: Access Program provides down payment assistance to qualified applicants who can receive up to $20,000 in down payment assistance towards a 1-4 unit house, townhome, or condominium within Minneapolis city limits. The loan is secured with a 0% interest 30-year deferred mortgage.
Completion of Financial Wellness and HUD-approved homebuyer education prior to execution of purchase agreement.
Applicant must be a first-time homebuyer or have lost a home to foreclosure.
Household income must be at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) when adjusted for household size.
For additional information or call 612-673-5255.
Home Improvement Financing
Minneapolis Homes: Owner Occupied Rehab Program, is a lender of Minnesota Housing home improvement programs and provides flexible affordable financing options including, grant incentives for energy efficiency, lead, and code repairs. Participants must own and occupy their property as their principal place of residence and be current on mortgage and property tax obligations.
Program highlights include:
Partnerships with grant and volunteer-based no cost programs
Secured and unsecured loans ranging from $2,000 to $75,000
Loan options with or without monthly payments
Grants to address lead-based paint risks
Applicants are first screened for basic program eligibility. If eligible for participation, a plan to address home improvement repair and financing needs will be developed to determine what the next steps will be. Home improvement financing requires household income be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) when
adjusted for household size.
To have your home improvement needs evaluated:
Phone: 612-673-5174
email: owneroccupiedrehab@minneapolismn.gov
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